What is Online or Telephone Counselling?
Advantages of Online or Telephone Counselling
Online and telephone counselling are becoming ever more popular. It is more private, less stressful and more comfortable to access counselling from home. It also eliminates any fear that people may have from seeing a counsellor face to face.
It reduces the need to travel and the cost involved in travelling to see a counsellor. Online or telephone counselling can be accessed from home, college, out walking, even work, provided you have a private space. Works on all mobile devices, iPhones, iPads, Smart phones, Tables, Laptops and Desktops. Telephone counselling incurs no phone charges as the counsellor will ring you at the arranged time. Is convenient for those who do not have access to a local service or where distance is involved. Is secure and totally confidential. |
Is it like the Usual Counselling Service?
- Yes, it is exactly the same. The only difference is, the client and counsellor are not in the same room.
- The counselling session is structured along the same lines as a normal one is. It is pre-booked in hourly sessions.
- The counsellor provides a safe, non-judgemental, relaxing space where the client is comfortable and fees safe exploring the issues that concern them.
- Online / Telephone counselling is bound by the same codes of confidentiality as the usual face to face counselling.
- As with all methods of counselling the session is dependent on trust and openness between client and counsellor.
- Again, as with all methods of counselling, online / telephone counselling requires commitment from the client to attend the online or phone sessions to enable the service to work for their benefit.
Online / Telephone Counselling V’s Traditional Counselling
- If a person is extremely shy, housebound, or distance and availability is an issue, or for any other reason inhibiting a person from attending face to face sessions, online or telephone counselling offers a way for people to avail of support that otherwise may be denied to them.
- It also offers more flexibility as a client is not restricted to office hours, can facilitate those on shift work, those who cannot travel, those who may be caring for another individual, or who may be overseas and wish to talk to a counsellor from their own country. Online counselling in particular, means a client is not geographically tied.
- Online / Telephone counselling offers further confidentiality, as it does not mean travelling to a local counsellor in a small area. As you can access the service from home, this alone reduces fear and anxiety at the thought of being seen.
- Online / Telephone counselling does not replace face to face counselling, it is there as an additional service which lifts many of the restrictions that for some clients, might have stopped them from reaching out and seeing help. For many this offers a safer, less stressful, option.